
2 years ago, my dad told me that in Kepanjen there's a restaurant called Terminal Mie. So we decided to go there with my mom. In there i ordered a ramen. The ramen is very tasty. Since that time, Ramen become one of my favourite food. Ramen is Japanese food. Usually we can only eat Ramen in Japan Restaurant only. But now, we can eat Ramen in Terminal Mie at an affordable price.
  1. Menu

Second floor
Terminal Mie has two floors. On the first floor, there are only chair, so we can only sit in those chairs. But in second floor, we can eat Ramen inside of the angkot and we can see the view of the street. Terminal Mie Malang open at 11 AM and closed at 11 PM. 
First floor
First Floor

First Floor
I think that the Ramen in Terminal Mie is very tasty. So I advising you, if you want to eat a ramen, you can eat in Terminal Mie. Because ramen in Japanese Restaurant is expensive.

Thank You for reading! :3


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